Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hannah Montana

If you think that Hannah Montana and/or Avril Lavigne "rock-out-loud"..... do the rest of the world a favor and kill yourself.

That is all.

Promise Rings - A Rant

If I hear of one more goddamn celebrity wanna-be teenie-bopper trailer-trash piece of shit talk about their promise rings, I'll die. I'll just die.

I don't care if you don't want to be a slut; in fact, I award kudos for being able to stand in a society that encourages frivalous romance and slut-ism and maintain your beliefs and integrity.

The problem becomes such:

By parading around with these stupid rings, insisting that sex is something bad or to be put on hold, you are doing exactly what the "sluts" of society are doing, which is parading your sexuality and sexual choices.

When will you come to the realization that nobody cares?

I especially don't care about the Jonas Brothers. I haven't, to this day, seen them act or heard them sing. To me, they are simply media whores who have no disernible talents; they are equal in every way to the likes of Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie.

If these so-called "celebrities" insist on showing their decision to follow a path of abstinence, I think there should be a constitutional amendment forcing them to wear those spiked chastity belts so the rest of us know who they are.